Implementation Aides

There are several U. S. Federal and State agencies which could help support the implementation of The Pier Sheath in the U. S.:

First stage (initial full scale tests): The Transportation Research Board (TRB) has its Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) Programs. These programs differ from traditional research programs: IDEA projects are initiated by researchers rather than by a request for proposals, and funding can support initial testing of unproven concepts. Each of the sponsoring agencies supports programmed, fundamental research through other means. Their investment in the IDEA programs is meant to capture the unexpected concept that challenges conventional thinking.

Second stage 1 (implementation in real structures in cooperation with a State Department of Transport (DOT)): The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has a Center for Accelerating Innovation (CAI) that has promoted the application of several new techniques to transport infrastructure through its AID Demonstration Program. CAI operates through the State Transportation Innovation Councils (STIC) network.

Second stage 2 (implementation in real structures in cooperation with a State Department of Transport (DOT)): The Accelerating Market Readiness (AMR) ( program of the Center for Accelerating Innovation of the FHWA provides funding to spur the advancement of emerging transformative innovations that have potential to enhance roadway safety and improve the performance of the transportation infrastructure.